Technology helps jewelers with visual merchandising

Shake up your instore product location and displays. View data analytics to see how your displays affect your sales conversions.
We all agree that what you display in your jewelry store, where you locate your merchandise and how you promote them instore has a direct impact upon your customer engagement and sales.A key technique for visual merchandising is to freshen up your displays regularly.
This includes moving product around to accommodate newly arrived items or changing up displays for promotional or holiday related store activity. Until now, jewelers have struggled to monitor the effect of these adjustments in their stores. The struggle is now over. With JewelTrace, retailers capture the data and understand the influence of their visual merchandising – item by item.
Change instore locations and display and then monitor the impact on customer choices, views and sale. This is all accomplished by introducing the easy to use JewelTrace track and trace technology into your business.
How does it work?
Move an entire jewelry section or a specific item to a new location or update the display and promotion area of a design line inside your store and keep it there for a day, a week or a month.
JewelTrace tracks the views, orders and sales to show you the impact, or lack thereof. And you can keep on changing things up around your store, until you get the results that work for you.

"Old merchandise moved to a new spot will sometimes make the customers think it is newly arrived and pay more attention to it. This sounds strange, but it really works. This is an especially effective strategy for regular customers who come in frequently". Source: Read full article here
If you want to learn more about how you can improve your visual merchandising to increase customer engagement, sales and your inventory selection. Contact us today.