Business Intelligence through RFID powered live data analytics
This in-store technology for jewelers guarantees to increase sales and decrease losses. By using an RFID powered solution you're able to capture live data from inside your stores producing irrefutable business intelligence. This business intelligence is a sure way to increase profits and decrease losses.
- Entice customers to purchase with personalized marketing. Follow up with them online or get them back with new offers based on their history inside your store.
- Identify and decrease dead stock. By understanding customer trends, you will be able to optimize your inventory and procurement based on historical data
- Quickly identify slow-moving items due to bad positioning within your store
- Select your merchandise and organize store displays by following customer trends via your own data
- Determine the optimal assortment mix for each individual store and channel, while still offering a strong assortment variety.
- Decrease live items inside your store by offering virtual stock.
- Increase the efficiency of your sales staff by understanding their strengths and weaknesses via your own data.
Contact us today and learn how to super-power your jewelry business with our RFID-powered data inventory management and deep data analytics for your business. JewelTrace is powered by Spacecode the leading RFID technology for diamonds and jewelry.